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Showing posts from March, 2018

Review1 'Black Mirror' Season 4 Episode 2: Arkangel

Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 2: Arkangel review : The two faces of parental love by Summer Rating: ♥♥♥♡♡ THIS REVIEW IS WRITTEN FOR ONES WHO HAVE ALREADY WATCHED THE EPISODE Arkangel , a chip technology implanted in children's head allows parents to monitor what their kids see, track their location, and vivify the cause for the children's stress. At first, the technology seems to protect Sarah but it grew to be a problem so Marie--Sarah's mom--stopped using it. As Sarah enters adolescence, Maries feels the need for Arkangel once again, thus changing the mother-daughter relationship dramatically.  The implantable chip is a technology not of distant future. Monitoring every single thing that a child sees may not be possible; however, tracking them by GPS is already commercialized. Therefore, 'black mirror' is raising awareness about the new possibility and its byproducts. Some say that such a technology is meant to protect children who must be gu